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34 total mentions.
18 talks with query:
"boundary dissolution"
(0.17 seconds)

The World And Its Double

...up to keep ourselves from feeling our circumstance are dissolved, and boundary dissolution is the most threatening activity that can go on in a society. People ...

1993 6
Search For The Original Tree Of Knowledge

...very important for the argument, is it creates- it causes what I call boundary dissolution. And boundary dissolution in human beings, like you and me, means ego...

1992 5
Intentionality in Language-Created Realities

...he fear that societies run along the lines of male dominance, have of boundary dissolution. I mean, for a thousand years in western civilization, the only bound...

n/a 2
Surfing the Fractal Wave at the End of History

...but notice, at a certain point of alienation, maturation, psychedelic boundary dissolution — it doesn’t matter what the vocabulary is you use — you can’t help b...

1997 2
Conversations on the Edge of Magic

... it’s not an addiction issue, I mean, that’s preposterous, it’s about boundary dissolution. Every society from the classic Maya to Fujiwara, Japan, to the Franc...

1994 2
Global Perspectives and Psychedelic Poetics

...ast full moon. Which I also think would be, uh, a fine idea. You see, boundary dissolution is what is needed here. boundary dissolution of all type, our separat...

1994 2
Mushrooms, Sex and Society

...fects of higher doses of psilocybin to create a situation of frequent boundary dissolution. That's what sexuality is, on one level, about and it's what psychede...

1993 2
Alien Footprints - Leprechauns, Elves, or Dead Souls? you are being reborn. Yeah, this is the issue of surrender because boundary dissolution is interpreted by the ego as death. If the boundary dissolution is ha...

1993 2
Time Travel, Psychedelics, and Physics

... an everythingness. That when I talk about what I envision it as - as boundary dissolution. If all boundaries dissolve then, you know, I am you, and you are me,...

1991 2
In the Valley of Novelty

...edical condition. The problem is that the ego feels threatened by the boundary dissolution, and its ace is your self-identification with it. And it can actually...

1998 1
The Evolutionary Importance of Technology

...tural thrust since the ’60s has been coherently one thing. It’s about boundary dissolution and connectivity and strange pictures in your head. The psychedelic e...

1996 1
Evolving Times

... This is what it is, this is what technology can be in the service of boundary dissolution. In the service of boundary maintenance, you get hydrogen bombs and s...

1995 1
(aka This Counts, Somehow it Matters & A Higher Dimensional Section of Reality)

...o portray these worlds of distorted association. All of this is about boundary dissolution. It was happening on the bohemian left. It was happening on the fasci...

1994 1
Permitting Smart People to Hope

... [Audience: laughter ] and I see pronoia as part of the phenomenon of boundary dissolution. you know, things are going to get better and better. And what a zipp...

1994 1
aka Nothing Lasts

...… Oh, yes. Well that’s how I think of psychedelics.I mean, when I say boundary dissolution, the real boundaries I’m talking about are the boundaries of dimensio...

1994 1
Alien Dreamtime the play, and you let it all roll on without anxiety. This is what boundary dissolution means. It means nothing less than the anticipation of the end state o...

1993 1
Address to the Jung Society

...of playing then - and this occurs in the tribal context then there is boundary dissolution uhhh group sexual activity and group bonding and identification and t...

1991 1
aka Psychedelics and the Feminine

...nds and thousands of years that humanness emerged. And environment of boundary dissolution of, uh, uh, where erotic connection was actually the basis of communi...

1989 1